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The Importance of Video Marketing in your Content Strategy.

April 4, 2023

In the world of digital marketing, there are different ways to convey a message to the target audience of brands and companies. Audiovisual content accounts for 90% of all content consumed online, with Facebook alone generating 8 billion views every day. It’s something that brands can no longer ignore.

According to a study by software developer HubSpot, 81% of brands are embracing video marketing to promote their products, services, and corporate identity. This format allows them to easily reach the Millennial and Gen Z generations. A minute of video holds more value than 2,000 words, and videos are processed 60,000 times faster than text, among other advantages.

With this resource, you can create anything from 30-second advertisements and social media videos to demonstration videos, tutorials, and employee stories, and much more.

Therefore, this is the perfect time to strengthen your digital marketing strategies and include video content in them. Several studies estimate that the percentage of video content consumption will reach almost 100% by 2024. If you’re an e-commerce company, you can create product demonstration videos.

In Latin America alone, 92% of users believe that watching a video related to a product helps in their purchasing decision.

Without a doubt, video marketing is one of the most effective and powerful tools to quickly capture the attention of customers. Its versatility in terms of formats makes it even more appealing. Here are some types of videos you can use to optimize your campaigns, generate conversions, and achieve better results:

Testimonial Videos: Showcase satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences with your brand or product.

Demonstration Videos: Highlight the features and benefits of your product or service by showing it in action.

Brand Videos: Create a compelling video that represents your brand’s identity, values, and mission.

Explainer Videos: Use animated or live-action videos to explain complex concepts or processes in a simple and engaging way.

Tutorial Videos: Provide step-by-step instructions or guides on how to use your product or perform specific tasks.

Animated Videos: Utilize animations, graphics, and illustrations to convey your message creatively and attractively.

Storytelling Videos: Tell a captivating story that resonates with your audience, evoking emotions and creating a memorable connection.

FAQ Videos: Address frequently asked questions to provide valuable information and build trust with your audience.

With these types of videos, you can develop a strong strategy without the need to spend a significant amount of money. Once you have produced a video, you can share it on various online platforms, including your social media channels and website, to reach a wider audience.

References: HubSpot


Pics: Istockphoto