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“Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence.”

May 5, 2023

“How to apply it in our daily life?”

The digital transformation and evolution in the industry has permitted the creation of different tools that support various businesses.

Before we proceed, do you know what AI or artificial intelligence is and how it can be applied to our daily lives?

Artificial Intelligence is a machine´s ability to display the same skills as humans, such as reasoning, learning, creativity and the ability to plan.

AI allows technological systems to perceive and relate to their surroundings, and resolve problems and work towards a goal. The machine receives data (prepared or collected through their own sensors, such as a camera), then processes and responds.

AI systems are capable of adapting their behavior in a certain way, by analyzing the effects of previous actions and working autonomously.

Artificial Intelligence has played a central part in the digital transformation of society and has become a priority of the EU.

It is expected that it’s future applications will lead to big changes, but AI is already present in our lives.

Artificial intelligence in our daily lives

Here are some ways you may not be aware that artificial intelligence is present in our daily lives.

Online shopping and advertisement

Artificial intelligence is used  for creating personalized recommendations for shoppers, based on things, such as their searches and previous purchases and other online habits. AI is also important in commerce, to optimize products, plan inventory, and logistic processes among other things.

Online Searchers

Search engines learn the amount of data that their users produce in order to offer relevant search results.

Personal digital assistants

Smartphones use AI to develop the most relevant and personalized device possible. The use of virtual assistants has become widespread. They respond to questions, give recommendations, and help organize their owners routines.

Automatic translations

The language translation programs based on written text and oral data use AI to provide translations. AI also provides automatic subtitles.

Smart houses, cities, and infrastructures

Smart thermostats learn from our behavior in order to save energy, meanwhile smart city developers hope to regulate traffic to improve connectivity and reduce traffic jams.

At Salinashooting we coach you in applying AI into the development of your web content. We help you optimize your data and information that you can apply in your marketing strategy.


Pics: Istockphoto